Jon Cazenave
Born in 1978 in San Sebastian (Basque Country), he received his B.A. in Economics from the University of Deusto in 2001.
In 2007 he started a long-term project called Galerna, composed by several monographic investigations focused on Basque’s people idiosyncrasy and aesthetics with a strong anthopologic character. He uses photography in order to appropriate of the signs and cultural symbols in a sense close to contemporary creation.
His photographs have been exhibited in several international festivals such as Noorderlicht, les Rencontres d´Arles, Photoespaña or Getxophoto and his work has been recognized in events such as FotoPres La Caixa, Voies Off Arles or Descubrimientos Photoespaña.
Books published by Dalpine

Ama Lur